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Lo sentimos, el modelo Zapatos 1461 Extreme en piel Smooth pulida ya no está disponible.



For 60 years the 1461 has been a 3-eyelet shoe. Today we've upped the ante with our 10-eyelet lacing system. Paired with our combat-style, extra rugged BEN Translucent sole. Held firmly together with Goodyear welt stitching in our iconic yellow. Demand to be seen. We dare you.

  • Second off the DM’s production line, the 1461 is a 3-eye shoe championed for its versatility
  • 5-eye lace-up fastening
  • Polished Smooth is the original Dr. Martens leather: super durable, with a smooth finish polished to a high shine
  • Our Goodyear-welted lines are heat-sealed at 700°C and reinforced with our signature welt stitch
  • Footbed - Slimmer and a more tapered shape


Un giro a la clásica piel de Dr. Martens: duradera, con un acabado liso y pulido.


Limpia la suciedad con un paño húmedo y deja secar. A continuación, aplica un betún neutro o de color de Dr. Martens, según el material. Frota la piel con el cepillo de cerdas para zapatos de Dr. Martens para recuperar el brillo. 


Empalmillado Goodyear.

Código del producto


For 60 years the 1461 has been a 3-eyelet shoe. Today we've upped the ante with our 10-eyelet lacing system. Paired with our combat-style, extra rugged BEN Translucent sole. Held firmly together with Goodyear welt stitching in our iconic yellow. Demand to be seen. We dare you.

  • Second off the DM’s production line, the 1461 is a 3-eye shoe championed for its versatility
  • 5-eye lace-up fastening
  • Polished Smooth is the original Dr. Martens leather: super durable, with a smooth finish polished to a high shine
  • Our Goodyear-welted lines are heat-sealed at 700°C and reinforced with our signature welt stitch
  • Footbed - Slimmer and a more tapered shape
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Zapatos 1461 Extreme en piel Smooth pulida

115,00 €

115,00 €

Envío gratis para pedidos a partir de 50 €
Devolución hasta 30 días




Entrega de 3-5 días hábiles si realizas el pedido antes de las 4 p. m.



Entrega de 2-3 días hábiles si realizas el pedido antes de las 4 p. m.

11,00 €



¿No es lo que pensabas? No te preocupes. Devuelve tu pedido dentro de los 30 días siguientes a la entrega. Puedes optar por realizar la devolución a través de tu propio método o descargar una etiqueta prepagada de DHL. Las devoluciones de DHL tienen un coste de 5.95 € que se deducirá del importe reembolsado. Haz clic aquí para obtener más información.

5,95 €



For 60 years the 1461 has been a 3-eyelet shoe. Today we've upped the ante with our 10-eyelet lacing system. Paired with our combat-style, extra rugged BEN Translucent sole. Held firmly together with Goodyear welt stitching in our iconic yellow. Demand to be seen. We dare you.

  • Second off the DM’s production line, the 1461 is a 3-eye shoe championed for its versatility
  • 5-eye lace-up fastening
  • Polished Smooth is the original Dr. Martens leather: super durable, with a smooth finish polished to a high shine
  • Our Goodyear-welted lines are heat-sealed at 700°C and reinforced with our signature welt stitch
  • Footbed - Slimmer and a more tapered shape


Un giro a la clásica piel de Dr. Martens: duradera, con un acabado liso y pulido.


Limpia la suciedad con un paño húmedo y deja secar. A continuación, aplica un betún neutro o de color de Dr. Martens, según el material. Frota la piel con el cepillo de cerdas para zapatos de Dr. Martens para recuperar el brillo. 


Empalmillado Goodyear.

Código del producto


For 60 years the 1461 has been a 3-eyelet shoe. Today we've upped the ante with our 10-eyelet lacing system. Paired with our combat-style, extra rugged BEN Translucent sole. Held firmly together with Goodyear welt stitching in our iconic yellow. Demand to be seen. We dare you.

  • Second off the DM’s production line, the 1461 is a 3-eye shoe championed for its versatility
  • 5-eye lace-up fastening
  • Polished Smooth is the original Dr. Martens leather: super durable, with a smooth finish polished to a high shine
  • Our Goodyear-welted lines are heat-sealed at 700°C and reinforced with our signature welt stitch
  • Footbed - Slimmer and a more tapered shape
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