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Dr. Martens and GAFFER sat down with the West Ham United footballer to talk resilience, South London roots, and that iconic DM’s kit

Michail Antonio doesn’t do conventional. Born and raised in South London, the hotbed of emerging English footballing talent, Michail had to use every ounce of strength and resilience to make it where he is today. In a fresh pair of Tarik DM’s, he showed us and GAFFER around his childhood home and spoke about his background, idols and self-belief.

Michail’s club, West Ham United, have a long-standing and proud partnership with Dr. Martens. Twenty-four years ago, DM’s became the club’s primary shirt sponsor, and were centre stage as new-found icons Frank Lampard and Rio Ferdinand took the club to their best-ever Premier League finish in 1998/99. Leading the line in what would become one of the club’s best-loved jerseys was iconic striker Ian Wright, a man Michail proudly calls his idol.

“Ian Wright had such a proud, infectious and unapologetic character. He’s the reason why I do my celebrations, he’s the reason I play the game, he’s the reason why I believed I could really make it. He made his way into the game late and became the guy in the Premier League that made everyone on the streets and cages in South London believe.”

Growing up on the Henry Prince Estate in South London taught Michail everything. And playing football in the cage was not only where he developed his distinctive style, but where he learnt a mental toughness that stays with him to this day.

“It's either you're tough or you're not. I knew that in the end, it was down to me and what I wanted to do. You have to believe in yourself and back yourself to achieve your dreams. That's what my area instilled in me, that toughness, and that never say no attitude.”

To get to where he is today, it took resilience, strength and unlimited self-belief. Having spent his whole youth being told he wouldn’t make it. That it was too late for him now. That he’d missed his shot. He always kept fighting for his dream and believing in himself.

“I had to have that resilience growing up, I had to have that. Because I didn't have that support that a lot of people did, where I was going to these games and people had their parents on the sidelines shouting their names. I didn't have that. I was just there, and I was doing my thing and just playing because I enjoyed playing.”

For so many young people like Michail, football is always an escape. A way to learn, connect and grow with their community. Those days are what taught Michail everything, and without the support from playing as a team in the cage every night, he wouldn’t be the player or person he is today. Now it’s about making the next generation feel the same way.

“Everyone was working together, battling together and trying to play free. It was intense, it was hard but it was honest. The entire community was connected through the cage.”

Watch Michail show DM’s and GAFFER around the South London estate, cage and pitches he proudly calls home.

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