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Your Docs. Your Style

Dr. Martens have spent 60 years at the feet of subculture. And there’s still no two DM’s wearers the same. With generation after generation of wearers customising, styling and making their DM’s their own – we’ve never been short on new ways-to-wear.

Need a bit of inspiration? We dug deep to see what the community have been wearing their winter boots with. And we’ve got the stats to prove it. Checking out winter boots tagged with #drmartensstyle – we pulled together some looks for when you’re short of ideas.

UK winters can be relentless. But that doesn’t mean you have to compromise. Our boots and shoes make sure you’re ready to tackle the coldest months of the year – the DM’s way.
Your Docs. Your Style

Dr. Martens have spent 60 years at the feet of subculture. And there’s still no two DM’s wearers the same. With generation after generation of wearers customising, styling and making their DM’s their own – we’ve never been short on new ways-to-wear.

Need a bit of inspiration? We dug deep to see what the community have been wearing their winter boots with. And we’ve got the stats to prove it. Checking out winter boots tagged with #drmartensstyle – we pulled together some looks for when you’re short of ideas.


UK winters can be relentless. But that doesn’t mean you have to compromise. Our boots and shoes make sure you’re ready to tackle the coldest months of the year – the DM’s way.

You can’t rely on the weather. But you can rely on your Docs. For a look that rolls with the seasons – pretty much any outfit can be finished off by throwing on a shacket. With 1 in 5 of Docs wearers pulling one on when they start to feel the chill – they're ideal paired with our fleece or faux fur-lined boots for a last-minute winter outfit.

You can’t rely on the weather. But you can rely on your Docs. For a look that rolls with the seasons – pretty much any outfit can be finished off by throwing on a shacket. With 1 in 5 of Docs wearers pulling one on when they start to feel the chill – they're ideal paired with our fleece or faux fur-lined boots for a last-minute winter outfit.


Once restricted to the office – suit trousers have started creeping back into everyday wear. And almost a third of the Docs community are clashing their DM’s boots with a more sharp, tailored look. Collide formalwear with a pair of Chelsea boots and you’re already on your way to making a statement.
Once restricted to the office – suit trousers have started creeping back into everyday wear. And almost a third of the Docs community are clashing their DM’s boots with a more sharp, tailored look. Collide formalwear with a pair of Chelsea boots and you’re already on your way to making a statement.








Leather jacket




Suit trousers


Leather trousers

Black Jeans


To help understand how people style their Dr. Martens, we opted for using Tagger (Signals) a social listening tool. Using this we were able to monitor the content created for #drmartensstyle, #drmartens, #drmartenstyle across all social networks since January 2020. We focused on the top 50 most engaged content that was publicly posted in the UK, Germany and France creating a predefined list of variables to categorise each of the styles.

Each piece of content was categorised by:

  • The month the content was posted

  • The year the content was posted

  • The type of content e.g. Image/video

  • The gender of the content creator

  • The generation of the content creator

  • The shoe category type e.g. Platform

  • The outfit type worn on the top half of the content creator

  • The outfit type worn on the bottom half of the content creator

  • The shoe colour

  • The location type in the background of the content

  • The event type in the background of the content

To understand how people across countries and shoe types like to style their Dr. Martens, the data was pivoted to highlight the occurrence of each variable across categories.