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0-93. Lab is a program which introduces 14–21-year-olds from the Parisian suburbs of Aulnay-Sous-Bois and Sevran to fashion design and the visual arts. Organised by Bastien Laurent, the founder of French fashion label AVOC, the creative lab runs open and inclusive workshops that makes the world of fashion more accessible to everyone.

Alongside 0-93., DM’s worked with six of their young designers to reinterpret the white 1460 boots and shoes, so they could bring some of their ground-breaking creativity to the Docs canvas.

Watch the video below to find out more.


Ussama Rana, 24 years old

“I was mostly inspired by 0-93. Lab and its logo. I wanted to get a printed pattern with a monogram effect. I also decided to translate the logo into Arabic and Roman script."

"My customization revolves around the idea of creating an impact. This allowed me to develop two different patterns: targets and bullet holes which both serve to create a certain asymmetry. For this design I was inspired by several graffiti artists using this pattern type."

Sabri Benhamou, 22 years old

"Foot 'n.': The terminal part of the leg, articulated by the ankle joint 'which connect the tibia, the fibula, and the talus' on which the body stands and moves. Circulatory system 'n.': Set of organs and tissues involved in the circulation of blood."

“My pair is a reflection of my grunge influences, from customized jeans to concert t-shirts. The angel that appears on my pair reflects these various inspirations."

Rabia Sadiq, 20 years old

"I was inspired by different elements that have shaped my time at 0-93. Lab and my discovery of design which has allowed me to evolve and to mature. The spool of thread is represented as a tower from which a thread emerges, which traces the outline of a silhouette. This design illustrates the architectural universe mingling with the world of fashion and textiles. These two art disciplines represent me."

"To customize my pair I was inspired by the 'laboratory-like' spirit of 0-93. Lab. We have done a lot of experiments around different dyes, which I chose to show here. Red, black and white are the colors associated with 0-93. Lab. The use of 'DNA' wire designs on this pair bring to mind the art of sewing, thus linking my pair to my studies of Fashion Design. "


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